It started before 1 World War with the famous Ording "Gift shop", which was destroyed by the storm surge 1936th

It was the beginning of the typical St. Peter Ording beach and buildings went dar. your name is probably due to the fact that the locals said: "Dor gifft dat wat to Koop" The "Gift shop" found her Continued after the 2nd World war in a new bath cabin with fully licensed for alcoholic beverages.
On South Beach, now the site of the castle beach, there was there at the creek swimming area after 1 World War, a bathing room, then after the 2nd World War II has been further expanded.

main character of the postwar period, the feisty landlady Lotti Hagen, after the beach restaurant was for decades the name Angelotti's cabin. " 1976 Pfahlbaurestaurant suffered during the January storm surge severely damaged, patio and windows were smashed, the interior parts were found on the promenade again. For the season was anything but again ready for the guests.

was reconstructed in 2003, the restaurant under a new tenant and the name "beach castle to a modern day and evening catering. Currently stands at a fresh change of tenants, resulting in a promising culinary development will be connected.
Figure 1: The famous Ording "Gift shop" from the period before 1 World War II (Photo: Ortschronik SPO)
2: bathing huts on the south beach 1935 (Photo: AG Ortschronik SPO)
3: "Lotti's cabin with the bathing place South (1970)
4: After the storm surge of 3 January 1976 (Photo: AG Ortschronik SPO)
5: The "beach castle" in 2010 (Photo: Jürgen Rust )
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