Thursday, January 27, 2011

Caresource And Dentures

PLAYS SWEET DEATH - in Rock Theatre

Provisional (?)
last performance in 1947 published his poem Death Fugue Paul Celan in Romanian, 1948, in German. He broke with the poetic text to Auschwitz, a controversial debate that culminated in the verdict, Theodor Adorno, one could write no more poems after Auschwitz. Death is a master from Germany, that set of Celan's poem translated into many languages, has undergone various interpretations and representations. Theatre - and music projects joined in that sentence.

morning , A day after the commemoration of Auschwitz and the other victims shows the Rock Theater in Home Theater Rudi (Fechnerstraße 2, junction Rankestraße in Leipziger Straße) by 19 clock this artistic interpretation, a scenic and musical collage that emanates from the subject of Death Fugue. In musical and scenic pictures, she approaches the incomprehensible and attempts to contact by means of the memory. And it raises the question of whether to tell why and how today because of it. In Germany. By and for generations beyond specific debt.

The project is a production of the Rock Theater Dresden.
book and direction: Bernd Rump
composition: Georg Wieland Wagner
Film: Susan Hörenz, Frank Beitlich
equipment / set design: Marcel Walldorf
Artistic advisor: Heinz Drew
technology: Claus Luber. Assistant: Silvia Fischer
Contributors: Karl Michael Weber, Martin Rosmanith, Stephan benada, Anja Hauptmann, Sonia Castellanos, Maria Steinhagen, musicians of the group Gualaceo and Eleonora Gerisch (vocals), Florian Lauer (frame drum), George Wieland Wagner (percussion ).
In the film: students at the Art University of Graz.


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