Sunday, October 24, 2010

Prithvi And Chethana Of Mysore Mallige

Customer Service Everywhere people live, "for with a small staff

As the comedy Dresden Heinz Rennie and Two other toil
can Reinhard Heinrich
"customer service" is the piece that may last as last Friday premiere of the comedy in the WTC went on the stage. Went? - Danced on the stage, brilliant slapstickte, it rotated. For rotation, thanks to the two small revolving stage is a fundamental element in the play, the director of the Vienna and Theaternarr Marcus Ganser successfully reshaped from a farce to tragicomedy.
It may be that the author Curth Flatow (born 1920), "The successful representative of the Boulevard Theatre" (Wikipedia), actually does not believe his audience, to be able to expect too much depth - but Ganser director does not think so tickled and deeper truths from virtually all "funny" situations out - with the effect that the audience's laughter can sometimes get stuck in the throat. Of course this is just one funny when Gilbert Dumont (Heinz Rennie) to his jailers (Gisbert Peter Terhorst-) confesses, what has high recreational value of the sentence for him. But the truth is a statement about "life outside". On-the-story is told from the secure jail cell. An idyll, as we know from Olsen Gang movies. Adding to this is the almost affectionate care of the prisoner, however, unusual Thibaut by the guards. But when Dumont talks about his life before prison, then breaks out the hell in the cell. Outside - there is one only of success, as measured by revenue generated outside of the service coupler.

do with all, no one asks if the seller Dumont not commit a "crime" after another to the bourgeois morality has to really satisfy everyone - including Madame Dumont. And crimes are anyway only when they come before the judge. Finally, he does - in the interest of the company - all of its customers very much joy and fails only on the selfish pursuit of his three wives parallel to the sole possession of the charming juggler. Here Rennie is in his element. He plays like the devil and are still in between props and stage manager. changed clothes because for the next role on stage - not without some hilarious effects. As Rennie directed more quickly to tie his bosses before he even in "time before" jump - during the Great Chief in it long ago and is already on the phone with his sales force. Applied so thick you can see the rare. A Look!

The would-Gisbert Peter Terhorst not without some intense (guards, president), some low-key (Butler, housekeeper) game. It seems as if he were in the small of the - and for - large Rolls resting. But where is peace - 100 minutes still on stage - and almost always in front? Terhune is the surprise of the evening (especially if you had children at the right time and remembers his 8 years as quite brave "Peter" on the "Tracks Playground" in the Friday evening greeting). As convincing as funny today can only be one who takes his work very seriously.

Who now are the three women, which - redemption - in the end, a fourth is coming? Claudia Wenzel. End of story. Somehow she manages to even end up playing to three women present at the same time. And shows that their ability to be practically any woman who is needed. Just as we know it from TV - But without these transformations on the open stage. Hart calls it - and meets the highest standards, as she has learned it. Perfect.

Speaking learned: The School of Music "Carl Maria von Weber", the Drama School "Hans Otto" and the Film Academy in Potsdam-Babelsberg have produced those two gentlemen and a lady, here three of 12 rolls play as if they had never done anything else. Although this is explained nicely with genius and talent - but not without making craft and discipline. And without the "ground crew" is not. And so was director Marcus Ganser (left) one of the final curtain, the "collective from behind the stage "will appear at the course (on the sofa!) with. What so of course not. You see it, frankly, is rare. But" the whole movement "of the production had earned it. Not just" dial and hands "Share were at Applause.
A theater that brings such ensemble performances on stage, will have no need to take his audience when it comes to the new place on the Leipziger Strasse. You should have seen ! find

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Religious Welcome Speech For New Year

What a welcome!

I was totally flabbergasted! When I went last Saturday to minister Ajay, I've assumed that there will be a visit as always. Nope!
Alice and Pradip, our driver, who will be added each time after Daund have found that 2 weeks ago I had a birthday. And so they have quietly organized a birthday party for me. I was unaware in our office purely because hung a huge birthday poster! Instead of breakfast was a birthday cake for me in. worn and I got presents! In a serenade her hand I could unpack a super nice dress, I was fed cakes. I was totally moved by how much extra work they have done for me. Amy was also not forget a gift for them was there that I have her brought home in the evening.
But the best gift was even more: We are now a registered charity here in India! Pastor Ajay is now officially a social worker and we now have a name and its own letterhead. From now on, the Government will regularly check our work, our project has grown up. To celebrate the day I was the first official letterhead or with our letterhead . Unpack This was a great feeling, I thought our work is in black and white in her hands.

minister Ajay was happy like a little kid when he saw my puzzled face

The surprise of Alice, Pradip, Pastor Ajay, Rechal, Joy (below) and Soni, Alice's friend, was succeeded

The first official forms of 'madness Miriam social Trust'!

After eating the cake we went to Shoba, the second teacher from our school where we held a small service, and then chatted a bit.
it went further then to Housa, an HIV positive woman we serve with. Housa it goes well, it makes the anti-retroviral therapy and tolerate it well. Since it comes from a wealthy family, we do not support them with food, but just look how she is, they accompany to medical appointments to Pune and bring her the drugs home.
She lives in a house next to their parents, the wealthy farmers. We were led on Saturday by the fields of family and told us what is grown. Besides corn, lentils, wheat, citrus, various fruits and sugar cane they also build on Chillis and Alice, Pradip and I got fresh fruit and vegetables from the field to take home. It was incredibly interesting and nice to see that the country is not only the poverty that we have otherwise ever seen.
Next month we will go for 2 days after Daund and the family has given us then invited to a picnic on their farm. I'm really looking forward to it!

together in Shobas house

Housa and Alice in front of a lemon tree

the way in the fields

Housas little brother from marigold related to the fields

grow Sorry there but not so good news: Sonali, I've often reported by her, has died .. She had druch get this disease and a brain tumor itself abandoned. We have paid for their combustion, as their parents could hardly bear it. The amount was about 40 €, have donated many thanks to all who approach and therefore proved an ultimate honor.

Next we have the hospital bill paid by Ganesh's wife. She is also HIV positive and diagnosed with malaria last month. Due to their weakened state, the general malaria was difficult for her and she was quite a good week in the hospital and was in addition to malaria drugs and build infusions. Now it is her but well again and she is at home with her family. The hospital bill came to just over 50 €, many thanks to all donors!

Finally, a few positive news: Arlene has bought a table for our school in Daund, which we will soon get there. They also come on and her husband for a painting of the school. This is about done in December, because the landlord will make some repairs before or at the school. Once the school is prepared, I will set forth some photos.
The owner of the school, so far quite disinterested in the building, is now active, after an article about our project with reference to the local school in the local paper published. Also, we won in success!

Finally, I wanted to thank my old Abistufe: When 10-year Abitreffen in the last month are 150 € remains that have been transferred to our donations account. Thank you all, we will use the money sense here!