The State Executive Committee axes of the Left Party, decided at its Meeting on 25 June 2010, the implementation of an event entitled:
3 years The Left, 5 years WASG, 10 years Linksjugend Saxony, 20 years
PDS - What are the prospects and opportunities has left politics
The event, including courtyard party and barbecue will, in August related to the anniversaries to celebrate worthily.
As a former member of the WASG stood for I of course immediately the question of which are WHAT Gler invited. The answer I got quite quickly State Executive Committee Member Martin Dietze (formerly WASG). Invited only the WASGler, which now are in the process. So members of the The party left, so I do not.
rise to a small review in pictures.
After the founding of the Association s "Electoral Alternative Work and Social Justice" in July 2004, in which the "Work and Social Justice Initiative" and the "Election Alternative 2006" together me nschlossen, was constituted in January 2005, the party WASG.
The 1 Party Convention was held in May 2005 in the Dortmund Westfalen Halle . also met in Dortmund in March 2007 in parallel with the federal party days of the WASG and the Left Party.
lay between these days, the party elections in 2005 and a long complicated way, looking in Saxony, for example, Sun
request, decided on the 1 State convention of the WASG Saxony 18 June 2005 in Dresden.
This policy position did not please everyone. Individual members of the WASG Dresden therefore designed an application to the special party congress on 3 of the WASG July 2005 in Kassel, which should allow them, despite the Saxon resolutions to hold talks with PDSlern also regarding the upcoming election. The problem is, they could not even make that request. In just 7 days they found supporters outside of Saxony, which incorporating the basic idea in a separate application.
The PDS is to Left Party, a candidate on their lists WASGler and independents, and in 2005 reached 8.7% in the general election.
After a ballot in May 2007 ...

it comes to the merger and the formation of the Left Party on 16 June 2007 in Berlin and the Saxon WASG ceases operations. There
dynamite it still plentiful.

The last rescued utensils in WASG tradition Cabinet and withered balloons are hopefully not all that remains.

Whether for anniversary event also think about why it happened this way, how it happened? Why do so many WASGler the left have turned her back again? Why is dispensed with so easily in so many has? And not only there?
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