Friday, July 23, 2010

Best Way To Slice Homemade Bread

oppose the tax bill

Nothing is as certain as death and taxes. terrible! Especially if you own and has made no advances. Precise as a Swiss watch plow the German tax officials by the Federal Republic tax environment. The state-owned educational institutions are high-powered experts, designed for the real thing, an elite squad of battle-tested, and to less heavily armed. Which nothing escapes. Or does it?

required in every third tax assessment of the treasury more than it deserves - and that, even though it costs us per year for at least 15 billion euros to raise taxes at all only. So there is no group of specialists who could be trusted blindly, but in dusty government offices drinking coffee officers, who during their breaks from Drinking coffee sometimes just tear down a few tax returns. It would have been too good!

So how to react if the Treasury has again issued an excessive tax notice? The proper remedy is so far the opposition. This must be lodged by the receiver of the assessment. He shall be brought against the tax office that issued the notice of assessment.

form of opposition

The opposition is going to explain in writing or on record, you can also say the tax office and explain where the appeal against an officer. This is in practice hardly ever before.

content of the opposition

contents of the notice of assessment should first be clearly defined, so the recipient knows the subject of the proceedings. It shall also specify, challenged points on which the tax bill and its cancellation is requested. At this point, so you need to represent the reasons why the tax bill you think is inaccurate. Does the tax office as advertising costs borne in mind that it should have considered? In any case, the facts and evidence indicate that serve to justify the objection. An appeal against the tax bill could be as follows:

is very important to find the appeal an application for stay of execution to provide. This has the following background: A tax assessment is immediately enforceable (§ 361 paragraph 1 tax code). This means that you have to pay the tax claim as soon as you receive the tax notice. This is true even if you have appealed against the tax notice. To prevent the immediate execution, you should therefore apply for the stay of execution.

It should be noted that even this application is refused. The tax authorities shall order the suspension if serious doubts about the Legality of the assessment made or if the execution for the taxpayer an undue, not by overriding public interests hardship (§ 361 paragraph 2 sentence 2 tax code). Because of serious doubts about the legality of the tax advice you can easily refer to the arguments in support of the opposition. An undue hardship exists only in rare cases, namely when the taxpayers by threatening the immediate compliance with economic disadvantages that go beyond the mere obligation to pay the tax (existential threat, Entzung livelihoods, etc.).

Opposition period

The appeal must be lodged within one month after publication of the assessment. Against a tax assessment, the taxpayer has received on 7/25/2010, so the opposition is lodged not later than 08.25.2010 24 Clock.

Well, now get those keys! On that the Treasury can not get a single penny that is due not to him!


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