The GEZ no need to GEZ every comment. Here are the answers to the most frequently asked questions: What are
Radio receivers?
Car Radio: car radios are subject to registration and pay fees if the holder has registered the vehicle for the household no conventional radio. If he is this, If the car radio to a royalty-free second unit.
Computer: computer are subject to registration and pay fees when a radio- or TV card or be able to play offers from the Internet.
DVD Recorder DVD recorders are no registration or fee if: - they have like a regular receiver.
TV: TV are no registration or fee.
Mobile: phones are subject to registration and pay fees if they have a UMTS or Internet connection.
navigation device: navigation devices are no registration or licensing obligation account if they are equipped with a radio receiver or an internet access and the owner is for the private household or announced no radio receiver. If he is so, it is in the navigation device is a toll-free second unit.
PDA: PDAs are subject to registration and pay fees if they have a UMTS or Internet connection.
Radio: radios are no registration or fee.
Clock Radio: clock radio are no registration or fee.
Video Recorder video recorders are no registration or fee if: - they have like a regular receiver.
How is the obligation to pay the statutory license fee?
After the license fee treaty, each radio part production, which offers a radio receiver for reception to pay the statutory license fees. To receive ready means that the radio reception be possible without considerable technical effort has. It's enough to say, for example, from where it is kept in an apartment with cable a dusty but fully functional TV set in a chamber.
Do I need even radios in holiday or second homes?
Yes, this even applies regardless of whether the head office in apartment devices already are registered. Irrelevant is also how often or how intense the holiday or second home is used.
Can I be exempted from the obligation to pay the license fee?
Yes. However, exemptions are granted only on application. Eligible applicants are mainly people with low incomes, particularly those relating to public benefits (social assistance, Hartz IV, etc.). The exact conditions for the exemption can be found here:
to online application for exemption from the obligation to pay the license fee it goes here:
household members also have to pay the license fee?
spouse / partner: The license fee is payable only once.
family members (eg children, parents): Must register their own devices when they have their own income in excess of the basic social assistance ruleset / rule set for members of the household (€ 287.00).
Non-marital cohabitation: Only Partner has to pay the license fee. The units of the other party shall be considered as free secondary device.
How much are the monthly license fees?
5.76 euros for a radio or a new type of radio or a radio and a new radio.
17.98 euros for a TV or a TV and a radio or television and a new type of radio or television and a radio and a new radio.
Or put it another way: whenever a television in the game is 17.98 euros, 5.76 euros otherwise.
Can I change the license fee and monthly pay?
Do I pay the license fee even if I only watch commercial television?
Yes, the obligation to pay the license fee depends solely on whether a radio receiver for reception will be held in readiness. This is true even if you only see private broadcasters.
Do I have a Charge / Officer in my apartment?
very clear no!
When does the obligation to pay the license fee?
Fees shall begin with the first Day of the month in which a receiver is first held ready for the reception.
How can I get a receiver?
The GEZ offers three ways to register radios: online, by mail, fax or telephone. Online registration is via the following links:
by mail or fax to radios using the following forms will be signed:
postatlische is the address: GEZ, 50 656 Cologne. The fax number is: (. 6.5 cents / min at different prices from mobile phone) 018,599,950,105th
made by telephone to register under the number 018599950100 (6.5 cents / min. At different prices from mobile phone).
How do I report from a receiver?
is different from the application to log off only by mail or fax using the following possible forms:
The cancellation must be sent by post to: GEZ, 50 656 Cologne. The fax number is: (. 6.5 cents / min at different prices from mobile phone) 018,599,950,105th
The cancellation is important to note that the facts are given, from which clearly shows that no radio equipment is kept ready to receive more. A mere notice or explanation, that no radio equipment is kept ready to receive more, is not enough. As facts, for example, the marriage, moving abroad or the scrapping of all radio receivers considered. To be sure, that the cancellation is not rejected, it is appropriate, must supply the relevant proof.
empfliehlt Similarly, the cancellation by registered post to send a receipt, since it may happen that the letter disappears in the post. To de-register by fax, the access is usually about delivery report with the "OK" - or "successful" note be detected. So keep, absolutely, it does not suddenly back payments be made. This will sign the end of the month in which it reaches the GEZ. A retroactive withdrawal is not possible.
What do I do if I'm moving or if my data has changed?
Have you changed your name, address or bank account or you want to select another payment method, they can inform the GEZ in three different ways:
online at:
mail or fax using the following document:
mail address: GEZ, 50 656 Cologne. Fax Number: 018599950105 (6.5 cents / min at different prices from mobile phone
phone at the following number:.. 018 599 950 100 (6.5 cents / min. At different prices from mobile phone.
you much success and happiness above all!