In 1988, mankind has just missed a disaster. But millions of people were on the verge of destruction. And not in Asia, not Africa, no, right in the heart of Europe, in the Ruhr region, more precisely, in Bochum. Only through a coined from " mysticism, apparent knowledge and misconceptions " " neurotic relationships " humanity could be saved at the last moment.
What had happened? A human with almost unimaginable force " hypnotic and clairvoyant abilities " threatened their victims with "mystical rites ," let them "at the behest tests of courage" there and "swear allegiance . Yes, the victims had even "baptized Catholic " can!
But who was this almighty force that it could afford to depend on the fate of millions of people who due to their manipulative skills understood to lead mankind from the abyss, organized the mechanisms of discipline, while the fundamental risks associated with the disorder to be exploited, which sowed hatred and jealousy among the people and thereby making unsuspecting and helpless people to their victims? The answer is: The KING CATS!
not you think? Then you read once that decision of the highest of all German civil courts, the Bundesgerichtshof, by:
It was really him, the cat king! We can all be heartened that the Federal Court of the activities of this god-like creature in German legal language well-formulated end has set. The only thing that should worry us now is the fact that the Federal Court is obviously stronger than the cat king. I hope he looks at us one day setting up all of it seems available power and strength at home to lead the mankind to the next disaster.
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