Mach nackisch Disch! Well, when we were first at least once prompted or asked. But Google has the decency not exist. The public just what it's worth. Privacy? No way! What to do? Lodge an objection. Here's how:
How can I lodge an appeal?
the opposition may be lodged in writing. The letter was sent to the following address:
Google Germany, Street View, ABC-Strasse 19, 20354 Hamburg
Opposition may also e-mail to the following address:
As of 8/16/2010 you can also directly online at / street view mark houses that should not be shown.
content of the opposition
The appeal letter should include the exact address the object mentioned that should be redacted. It might look like this:
addition, the use of the information disclosed is contradicted. Exception: use of data for deletion.
opposition period
If the opposition is filed by 09.15.2010, the house at the launch of Google Street View already unrecognizable. Even after the launch of Google Street View, the use of the photos will be rejected by the house. This is either in writing or by e-mail or directly on Google Maps using the link "A Report a problem with "possible.
let you make niche nackisch!
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