A Celebration "for themselves"
by Reinhard Heinrich
Titled "Tomorrow's fine was" celebrated last Tuesday, the 20th April in Little House, the legendary cabaret Dresden "Herkuleskeule" its director Wolfgang Schaller (right) - with a premiere that it had in itself. The celebration was the 70th birthday and the 40th Vocational anniversary of the director and author house. (click and buy the book!) came many who had learned over the years with Schaller's aid (as audience) to "laugh, find it nit enough to cry". And pretty much all of his students, disciples, followers, and perhaps even (friendly) Neider, on the stage of this subversive laughter on others, whenever it was necessary and promising. Consequently
sat in the audience Olaf Böhme, Uwe Steimle, Wolfgang Stumph, to name a representative of three names. Moreover, the small hall of the house was sold out - nothing was more.
Seven Hercules club chair and the three musicians gave everything is more to be said not to show - except maybe: They agreed with the writer / director and in the audience that - to paraphrase Karl Valentin - the future was better before. What, then, is not new. What was new was the focus of the announcement, new was the compelling vibrancy of some number of smooth the street seemed taken away. Tucholsky said, the time screaming for satire - for Schaller she is already. Get on the stage so that, with a few bright lights - and crossed out the superfluous, the rest is trivial satire. And Schaller, the tool, they filter out from reality. So simple - as piano. Just the right moment the right buttons meet.
I confess that I myself have snacked during the subsequent opening night party at Schaller's real-Saxon minced. That would not mention, if not the bread to the baker in baked form small handy HERKULESKEULCHEN had. Very crisp the many small barbed tips - you could feel the stitches on the tongue. Beautiful memories of times when such peaks are still ruling as deeply felt injured .* It was unforgettable. And because sound is still young so (see how you could), I order you a ticket to the next premiere of the same type - in 10 years. Sun sold out, as this was ...
_____________________________ * The phrase is deliberately doubly understandable.
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