Here found a very interesting article on the subject of broker liability:
"Adds a broker in his exposé of the owner of the information more information is added, he is liable if they prove to be incorrect.
Because of an effective brokerage contract was the broker in Expose, the words "fully rehabilitated" included. However, the seller had listed only the remedial measures already taken against the broker in advance. A review of the outline by the seller does not occurred.
presented after the purchase, however, been some hidden defects. So were recordable as outdated electrical wiring. The Frankfurt court said to the buyer for damages against the broker, as the house was not restored completely contrary to the statements.
Although in principle brokertake no duties and thus no liability for information provided by the seller. Information from the vendor, he must therefore unaudited pass in principle (BGH of 18.01.2007 - III ZR 146/06). To publicize his decision to sell known facts that the broker must, however. Omission he should because of the law in each case their own information. This is a significant liability risk.
OLG Frankfurt from 13.02.2008, 15 U 137/07 "
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