Press Research Part 12 - Matthias HEISSNER sentenced for rent arrears (Article from the Stuttgarter Zeitung)
In the edition of 10 December 2008 writes the Stuttgarter Zeitung under the title "Laureate of high rent arrears:
. Maulbronn have Sparkassen Matthias HEISSNER as" excellent landlord protector "It has the Leonberger real estate entrepreneur high rent arrears to a court hearing in this matter is.. Heissner yesterday released the first place. "
To the editor Klohr Mark writes: "A few months ago, Matt HEISSNER been in the spotlight now seems to be the winner of the Founders Award of the Baden-Wuerttemberg. Savings banks strive to make themselves invisible. Who chooses the number of his real estate company Leonberger Imac receive in response to the announcement "no connection at this point". And to an important meeting in the district court Maulbronn (Enz) is HEISSNER appeared not yesterday. It was actually a topic that Heissner at heart would have.
for supposedly invented by him "landlord protection register has HEISSNER receive the 2006 Founders Award. Owners should be warned by the database before tenants, down economies to the property or not pay their rent. In this index could be the 37-year-old self-register in a prominent position. For HEISSNER itself has around 21 000 € accumulated rent arrears. Five years HEISSNER has lived in a comfortable villa in Friolzheim in Enz. Since March, he apparently paid only partially or not at all rent and charges. "We had the impression at the beginning, Mr. HEISSNER was a solid businessman," says his landlord, who filed the suit, "but now I only have had enough of him."
Because HEISSNER was not present, it was announced yesterday by the competent court judge in the absence Maulbronner condemned to pay the debt. After the trial date was announced, his landlord had HEISSNER further ado around 7000 € paid. According to the authority Leon Berger had the entrepreneur in terms of content never commented on the arrears, he had merely announced its intention to defend themselves in court. Now, HEISSNER two weeks to comment on it yet, otherwise the decision becomes final, and take the 37-year-old must also have all the procedural and legal fees.
The lawsuit is by no means the only hot-agent problem. Since early summer determines the Stuttgart public prosecutor against him and two other defendants. You infidelity, fraud and Insolvenzverschleppung be faulted. The inquiry found the prosecution that the Imac's subsidiary theme at least a six-figure amount to security deposits had disappeared. Are affected, according to the liquidator nationwide up to 1000 dwellings, which were attended by the subject. What about the iMac itself, is currently renovated several old buildings in the country, can only be guessed at. A phone number the company seems in any case no longer have to '
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