For family reasons,'s lasted this time until I came to write this post, sorry.
5 weeks ago, in early November, we have Irene and Simon, two friends from London, accompanied by Daund.
This time we have stayed in Daund with Pastor Ajay, so we had two full days available to us to take care of our project.
The pastor and his wife were happy to see us and very welcomed us with a lovely poster and fresh flowers.
After so accustomed to a delicious breakfast and Irene Simon were introduced to Alice, Soni, Ajay pastor and his family, it went off.
First we visited the little Sonu, to see how he is doing and get some candy over. He has settled in well in his new family and is well into the school. From his brother Ganesh there is still no trace. He has answered neither with us nor with his family. We do, however, not give up and hope that we will find him one day after all. Pastor Ajay is also looking as usual every two weeks for Sonu over, to be sure that he will not miss and he is well cared for.
Sonu and Irene
On the 1 1 / 2 hour Sonus family to return from Daund we went past a small detour to Alka Pune house. As reported in a previous post, Alka lives with her two children with her parents in the cottage. These supply with them and their children, as Alka can do because of their AIDS disease no more field work. I was honestly quite shocked to see them. When we arrived it was in the cabin of her parents since she was not well. Her CD4 count was 122 and she was even thinner and more powerless than a few weeks where I had seen the last time. We did not talk more on this visit to the medical treatment of their illness, but about how we support the children after their death and how they will be supplied. I felt it was quite that bad to have to look absolutely helpless as Alka her family will soon leave and you have no chance to offer the end of the disease. Since the day our help it is now to let her painkillers and not only basic food, but also get high-energy food. The care of their two children, we will take when the time comes.
Alka and her family from the hut of the parents
the evening were Alice, Soni, Rachel, Ajay, Simone, Irene and I went to dinner together for a long time together and talked about die Familien, die wir betreuen, unsere Schule und andere Dinge, die wir in Zukunft anpacken wollen. Es war ein Gespräch, das manchmal zum Nachdenken und manchmal zum Lachen anregte, aber auf jeden Fall eines, in dem wir alle vom jeweils Anderen viel über das Leben in Indien, die indische Kultur, die Unterschiede zur deutschen Kultur und Denkweise und viele andere Dinge gelernt haben.
Der nächste Tag begann damit, dass wir uns auf den Weg machten, in Daund 3 Nähmaschinen zu erstehen. Die Idee ist, dass die Mädchen, die unsere Schule nach der 10. Klasse verlassen, die Möglichkeit bekommen, bei uns eine Schneiderausbildung zu machen. So sind sie später unabhängiger und können für sich und ihre Familie obtain an income. In addition, the machines all women from Daund few hours a day are provided free of charge so that they can earn some money by sewing.
After much haggling and negotiation, we purchased two 'Luxmi' and a' Novel' machine, including tables and scissors, the future be Ajay's home minister in the room next to the office. Now the search for a suitable teacher is in full swing, so that the dressmaker can be started.
Thanks to Katrina, and especially Andrew, which allowed us to buy these machines!
attended the afternoon we lack, it went well thanks to his God and has not lost as usual in spite of their situation their happiness. The field work has now started again after the monsoon and it goes back a day as usual on the field. We sat a while with her and talked in the glow of an oil candle. A power supply shortage is not because it is being marginalized because of their illness and avoided her and no one wants to create a. It could also pay the monthly bills due probably did not regularly.
Since that day 'Diwali' the festival of lights and one of the highest holidays of the country was, we had brought her a new sari and something sweet, which they are very happy.
further cooperation in the absence of house
Irene and Simon at the 'Diwali-gifts-buy'
it went to Sonalis parents. Sonali was, as I wrote in October, with 25 years died of AIDS and we wanted to offer his condolences to their parents.
Besides her parents were also Sonalis brother, who has cared for during her illness so selflessly, her sister, the sister in law and Sonalis nieces and nephews in the house. All were still deeply sad and the gap that has left Sonali was clearly felt.
Sonalis parents are supplied financially, so here our assistance to the family ends and we can take care of us instead of them to a new family and be.
Thanks again to all who support us and our work.
I may again recently in Germany and will now remain for the time being also live here, but our project will be continued in spite of. Alice, Father Ajay Rachel and maintain a focus on the families to report to school and Tailoring and regularly report and send photos, I will visit them next year for some time.
course I'll continue this blog report on what happened in Daund what we achieve and how your money is used.
up in four words Weeks, then!
Alice, Rachel, Pradip, Soni, Simone and Irene in the slum of Daund
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