Kneipp-Therapy ...
... is holistic and aims to body, mind and soul into line. It is based on the principle of exercise training on the harmonization of all physical and mental functions and is much more than a cure: They are particularly suitable for the prevention, ie prevention.
By encouraging self-healing forces gain strength and inner balance of power - so the person develops through Kneippen a strong position against all challenges of life. He encounters stress relaxed and master crises and illnesses easier. In short, it will increase its capacities and capabilities to be happy.
first WATER
With water treatments on the skin Temperature stimuli mediated trigger positive reactions in the body. They strengthen the immune system and have a balancing and revitalizing can be individually and precisely tuned depending on the needs on the cardiovascular and nervous system water applications according to Sebastian Kneipp.
first WATER
With water treatments on the skin Temperature stimuli mediated trigger positive reactions in the body. They strengthen the immune system and have a balancing and revitalizing can be individually and precisely tuned depending on the needs on the cardiovascular and nervous system water applications according to Sebastian Kneipp.
second MOTION
- Physical activity creates balance, reduces stress and leads to mental relaxation.
- depending on the constitution may be strengthened, for example, swimming, cycling, hiking or exercise heart and circulation. At the same time is supported by an active exercise program of muscle building and kept the musculoskeletal system fit.
third HERBAL
- The Botany of Sebastian Kneipp is based on an old, traditional experience. And thanks to the newly created testing procedures and intensive research, anyone can successfully use herbs to prevent and cure various ailments.
- without side-effects of the forces of nature, body and soul back into balance.
- many diseases can be avoided with healthy diet. Kneipp means a balanced diet, natural whole foods. Fruit and vegetables, Whole wheat and dairy products supply the body with plenty of vitamins, trace elements and minerals.
- The Kneipp Healthy food is simple and the products enjoy fresh eye and palate, and assure their well-being.
- Sebastian Kneipp was the integrity and the unity of body, mind and soul for his health education is very important. This means creating a balance and find peace and leisure. Various relaxation techniques to help psychologically stable and order to be found in the rhythm of life.
- The order applies to psychosomatic therapy, environmental and sociological Correlations one. Kneipp commented: "The degree is the order, each is too much and too little of each point of health disease."
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