Publicly communicated Differences of opinion in the wake of the 13 February 2010 in Dresden, especially in relation to the public assessment of the proportion of various groups in the rolling back of Nazi activities have been an occasion for The Left to their conciliation commission to act. Read the report:
What and what can achieve a settlement?
Dieter Gaitan
With this question I am concerned since I am a member of the Conciliation Commission, and that is over 2 years ago.
With my thoughts I have come to the conclusion that a successful settlement worked out with the parties to a conflict, a way in which this can be made productive for all.
It is the first and fundamental knowledge in a mutual Blame, lack of self-criticism on both sides.
Further attempts of other errors and omissions as evidence of public or bring to the other party to the public. A dialogue is not considered meaningful. There is no attempt to understand the behavior of the other side, it is stigmatized rather than to judge fairly.
is a result of such conduct to leave the objective level and the continuing conflict in the personal level. It comes to, in some cases deliberately brought about, violating the dignity of others. These objective processes are used only as a cause of degradation of the other.
Each of the parties should first be aware of the situation and assess its own role in the development. If the result is this thought: "To me that is not", then probably was his own thought and behavior pattern not found in self-critical question.
Anyone whose own code of points at which he himself had better opportunities, this was not used, then it is usually an apology from yourself This is understandable, but that there is an approach to the management of conflict. Everyone involved should be asking themselves the question now, as he prepared to change his behavior.
this process we see as the prerequisite for a productive resolution of conflicts and that we want to support as a conciliation commission.
We will lead to further talks and would really appreciate if fellow contact us for an interview. We will also ask us about from colleagues for a conversation.
a good opportunity to move closer we see in a joint meeting of the City Board, the Group and the IDS. To this end we have agreed with Henry Reinhard, Anja Apel will organize such an event.