Sunday, February 21, 2010

Look Good With Purple Pants?

13 February helped to success?

Brigitte Drechsel

There are certainly many reasons why a person - has gone on Feb 13, 2010 on the human chain in the city center - after all, well over 10 000 people. You could also to peace Wor . Go Even those were not a few. Traditionally, on Feb 13 in Dresden, the victims of the air attack intended in 1945.

But it was undoubtedly the blocker in the new town, which prevented the Nazi rally this year. But that does not give anyone the right to discredit those who have a different form of protest have chosen. These people coined on 13 February 2010, the image of Dresden to the outside. And it was not insignificant! Even just to use the media for me would be a valid reason to support the chain of people active.

Unfortunately, the article by JA Hedgehog in the last edition of "The Left" is not suitable, "the division to overcome the city, "announced as the headline makes. The left in Dresden, is proving a disservice if it believes to be in sole possession of the truth, believe only what they do is the right one.
Rather than use this success and try to tie there to make maybe next year, various policies under a common theme, thousands of people are marginalized.

least we should recognize that this year as many people as in all recent years, not against law positioned. And I'm not so sure if I have all the knock now as a hero on the back, in the past few years corresponding with the Demos could see.

I am also not entirely clear why our experienced politicians, among which there are indeed a number of highly qualified lawyers, could not assess in advance what happens when publicly called for a blockade of an officially approved demonstration. We know how this democracy.

Dresden, 18.02.10

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Read Naruto Yaoi Doujinshi Online

13th February 2010 in Chat across continents

Dr. Herbert Lappe
(Jewish community Dresden)
Dear Bernd,

You've just come back from the block - I of the human chain at the synagogue. We were both very upset: What a success for democracy!

I'll send a follow-up a chat-assembly. Open-ended. The discussion ongoing.

Micah, Haifa
Herbert, congratulations! Great that you did not let in the Nazis. And so many people demonstrated peacefully. Can not you come to Israel to our to support actions?
Emily, NY
.. again shows clearly that civil disobedience is necessary. Without him, while the civil rights movement in the U.S. would have been unthinkable. She was the prerequisite for a colored man now rules the United States.
Klaus, Berlin
you have indeed a great OB. I quote:
original quotes Orosz, Mayor in Dresden
"... For this retreat, this silence, this grief - this is a strong reminder that never again happen, what happened then. This day brings together the survivors with the Born later in the memory of who was kicked off this damned war, the five and a half years later, also stretched out its claws to Dresden: the Nazis and their willing helpers, of which there are, it is said, also in Dresden, a few were not. ...
... Our chain touches the synagogue, that place, its destruction by the Nazis at the 9th November 1938 were, the prelude to the destruction of tens of thousands of people, places and the murder of millions of people was. .. "
Herbert, Dresden
Yes and no. It has not yet grasped that blockade and human chain are integral parts of democratic action.
Bernd, Dresden
she has not. And the egg dance shows before this, but now got another truth. I quote
original quotes Uwe Schaarschmidt (Press Officer, THE LEFT, Dresden)
"This was to be expected anyway. The fact is one, and this must be communicated: Orosz, Tillich and ALL have gone through the human chains are crap, just miserable cowards! That snot does not need a man. ! Feierabend
Source: Extract from article in Facebook user group with over 400 members
"Just put up jingle bells in Dresden victims window, loudly." Silence! " roared. ... "

Hans, Vienna
who speaks worse than before our Heider.
Herbert, Dresden
How come you on it - this is the press spokesman for the Dresdner LEFT.
Hans, Vienna
Unbelievable. This language I know but still ...
Herbert, Dresden
The language betrays thinking

Micah, Haifa
this sound, I also know: From our Nazis.
Emily, NY
Such delirious, we also had.
Bernd, Dresden
Then I put to greater heights and quote the next time
original quote Hans-Jürgen Muskulus (Chairman The Left, Dresden)
"If we want to win in future parts or members of the human chain for us, we can not expose them. We should attack the "team" and encourage "simple" operators in the future to join us "
source. Extract from mail response Hans-Jürgen Muskulus to Hans-Werner Gebauer
Micah, Haifa
Does this mean the press spokesperson is not alone, but its president shares this crude views.
Hans, Vienna
What? The is the chairman of the Left in Dresden? And the other is his press secretary? Have ever learned anything? We know that you can only defeat fascism through a unity of all anti-Nazis and Democrats. There is no good and bad.
Emily, NY
By Ralph Giordano I've learned:
"The enemy of my enemy is not necessarily my friends."